Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Spring Break Service

Our preceptors and teachers: Genette, Mirline, Marie Eleine, Guerlie, and Merline.
I am thankful that I pay taxes. 

When you walk through the streets of Hinche, you catch wafts of burning trash, mouthfuls of dust, and the exhaust from the moto taxis that zoom by. Why is it like this? The Haitian government does not collect taxes and, therefore, has limited funding in keeping the streets clean and safe (as in building sidewalks). Next time you file for your taxes, be thankful! (I do realize that I don't have a paid job and, therefore, have little to complain about. I am mindful nonetheless.)

Katie translating student letters with Gladias.
My sister Katie Gill came and visited me last week. I thoroughly enjoyed spending time with her and introducing her to Haiti. We went to the feeding center for malnourished children, attended the Sunday service and health class at the orphanage, and sat in on the matròn training in Rivage. We had a few other volunteers with us for part of the week, so Katie was also able to learn about what the experience was like from a healthcare professional’s point of view - coming to offer any and all services in a clinical environment. Though I did not intend on it, I also had Katie pick up a lot of my “end-of-the-list” items, or rather everything that I didn’t want to do. She was a real trooper and seemed to take in her first experience with failed-state poverty well.
A transformer going up in our front yard.
(He is strapped to the pole.)

On top of the American visitors, the MFH Guesthouse has been hosting six students from Leogane and two new teachers for the class. After about a year or so of trying to open a new school 45 min west of Port-au-Prince, the school has finally opened here in Hinche. I won’t go into detail, but MFH was forced to take on unexpected funding and salaries because a promised grant never went through. So, we are starting a new school with eight students but in the same location as the first one. The students living with us finally found a place of their own, and so they should all be moving out today. Every mouth and body takes up resources and space so fast! We are thankful that lodging was found in due time.

Our second class of midwifery students
that started last Wednesday. 
I’ll be getting a break from visitors for the next week or so. I hope to have more time to work with our cook on different dinner recipes. I introduced her to chicken salad (with a Haitian twist, of course), which I thought turned out very well.
Stay tuned for more soon!

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