Monday, June 10, 2013

Patience is a virtue

The bedroom I am leaving (that is a mosquito
hanging above the bed). 
I am a naturally impatient person. That is not an excuse for anything, but it is simply something that I struggle with. I want to say I had one of my final tests (though Haiti has been one big test) on my patience tolerance.

One of the nursing students putting baby
packets together.
We need to buy a generator for our birth center halfway between Port-au-Prince and Hinche. Sounds simple, right? The 15kw generator has to be ordered at the Valerio Canez extension office (a wanna-be Lowe’s) in Hinche. I had no idea what kind of generator I was to expect for our needs, but what I did learn was that the bigger the object the more difficult the order became. I think I made three trips to the office in town before I finally got somewhere.

Our dining room in the Guesthouse.
How much I am looking forward to moving back to a more wireless world! The internet would have been nice to have had for the transaction. The office couldn’t process the credit card, or they didn’t have the bank account number ready for the transaction, or the costs for shipping and handling weren’t finalized. Let’s just say that there is no concept of customer service. Why should there be though? If a buyer really wants to purchase something, it is up to them to make it happen. No one caters to the other in a business deal such as this.

Our classroom.

The UNH nursing students with our Creole teacher, Kenel Pierre.
Aside from that mess, I had a good week with a group of nursing students from the University of New Hampshire and getting ready for Brittany’s arrival. She just got in on Saturday. The training has begun! She is excited to be here and eager to pick up where I am leaving off. I have full confidence in her! Though I will be sad to leave, I wouldn’t want her to miss out on the privilege of working for such a mission as MFH’s nor experiencing the hidden beauty of Haiti. I smile at the thought of her having this opportunity.  

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